I am a seasoned theater presence who studied at Shaw University, and a Master degree from Columbia University. I have been featured on Broadway in Oprah Winfrey’s The Color Purple. Other theater credits include productions of Charles H. Fullers, A Soldier's Play, August Wilsons Seven Guitars,.

Guy Fortt - Bull
CBS - 00:29 Dennis Lewis encourages his son Bobby Lewis to throw the fight for a significant financial reward.

Guy Fortt New Amsterdam
NBC 00:47 Captain Asuza (Guy A Fortt) of Riker's Island prison, is debating with Dr. Bloom (Janet Montgomery) regarding letting his prisoner have a baby without being handcuffed to bed during delivery.

Guy Fortt L&O, SVU TV Series
ABC - 00:28 Police officer Fagan (Guy A Fortt) introducing scene to lead Detectives.